OCBA Events for May

May 16, 2014

OCBA Front

The IDA is proud to support the Orange County Business Accelerator. The Accelerator provides a rich environment to young, high-tech businesses, where they can learn, grow and begin their paths to success. The Business Accelerator offers below-market occupancy costs in its Class-A space to start-ups that are seeking mentors and guidance from business professionals.

In addition to working with current clients, the Accelerator offers seminars and events for members of the Orange County
community. The month of May offers two exciting events, and the Accelerator encourages your attendance.

Details of May’s events can be found here and here.

Space is limited, and if you’d like to attend any of the Accelerator’s events, please contact Kelly Reilly, OCBA Client Services Specialist, at 845-220-2208 or via email at kreilly@ocaccelerator.com.

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